Three Northern Flickers were displaying in the top of our maple tree this morning. There were two males and a female. Here is a photo I took of a male displaying. He would bob his head up and down and side to side, then fan his tail, showing the beautiful golden underside. Dramatic colors on a bird are often there because they have an important function in displays.
When this display is done between two birds of the same sex it is generally competition for a mate, as here. When done between a male and a female it is part of courtship. These displays are accompanied by the "woikawoikawoika" call and are done early in the spring before nest-building occurs. Look for this fascinating Northern Flicker behavior now.
Canon SX 50 HS photo (Av, 1/500, f 6.5, 195% digital zoom.) These birds were quite far away. So glad for the telephoto power of this point-and-shoot superzoom camera.