Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Here are some Valentine's Day images from us. The top photo is of Bonica Roses from our extensive bird gardens at Bobolink Farm our 48 acre NH home. The second photo is of a preening Roseate Spoonbill (pronounced rose-ee-et) that looks like a big Valentine's day heart. It has it's right wing raised and is preening it's belly so you can't see its head, only its eye is visible peeking out from its left side. Spoonbills are one of the celebrity birds here at Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel, FL. They are not flamingos, as many tourists assume because of their pink color. Below is a photo of one in flight. Roseate Spoonbills feed by sweeping the spoon-shaped bill back and forth in the water, then snapping it closed on a fish they locate by touch.
Happy Valentine's Day and Good Birding to All!